Elphamic Witchcraft

From the Gate of the Starless Field

Sió wund ongon, ðe him se eorþdraca geworhte, swelan and swellan

Elphamic Witchcraft is the name of a form of thought and practice that has been emerging over the last thirty years. It is rooted in the pursuit of a true and faithful understanding on the nature of Elphame, free of the fantasies and fictions that have been associated with it over the last few centuries. From folkloric reverse engineering or biblical misapprehensions to Froud inspired figures of whimsy, Elphame has been done a consistent disservice in the pursuit of wishful thinking. Elphamic Witchcraft hasn’t arrived as a response to this but has been requested of us out of the anger and vitriol felt by those beyond the Gates. It is a tortuous path to tread, a thankless task to undertake but a route to understanding taken out of need and empathy. Elphamic Witchcraft is not a ‘new system’ of witchcraft but a toolbox of understanding that leads to a door through which a new way of practicing is found. This is the Door of Negation, a non-place at the feet of the Atavium - they who hold the Craft of the Other, they of Elphame who are guide, teacher, and friend.

To date a selection of small works have been made available outwardly to those who wish to explore some preliminary aspects of the work. They have been formed in a manner that does not guide or dictate but instead serves to grant a freedom of experience from which a more significant truth can found.

The Epistle of the Dragon

Everyone approaches here from there, and the Epistle of the Dragon is a text bridging those two point from the personal perspective of the author. This text serves to demonstrate a path that can be taken, one of just many routes to understanding the transformative and transubstantive work of the Witch as they move towards the boundaries of Elphame. It also serves a prologue to the forthcoming work The Epistle of the Void.

The Elphamic Essence

Using herbs and resins pertinent to the oneiric flight, the Elphamic Essence was crafted alongside a lithomantic and sigillic offering to grant the seeker a means of dream engagement with The Garden of Atavism, a whole corpus of work that forms part of the Greater Work of Mysteria.

Æscrin of the Atavium (Lower Elphame)

A unique reliquary of the Sister of the Great Below, holding The Book of the Ghost Meadow, a mystery text bound in mantle of the Toad. Housed within a ritually sanctified brass chest are three icons of the Elphamic Atavium; a fallen remnant of a Crow Spirit; the Manikin Child of a Mandrake Spirit and the Blackthorn Effigy of a Toad Spirit.

The Litany of the Voiceless

Of the Two Sisters, She of the Great Below is the Sister of Life & Death, and the Litany of the Voiceless is a concise text and rite allowing the seeker to make a first point of contact. This is approached through the atavistic forms of The Three, with copies of The Litany being personalised to one of these specific aspects.

The Canticle of the Dark River

In contrast to the Litany of the Voiceless the Canticle of the Dark River serves as a preliminary call to She of the River of Night, Sister of the Void and the First Form. The Three are here seen through the lens of Sun, Moon and Star; each copy is therefore specific to one of these aspects. Along with the Canticle was provided the Echo of the Dark River, a mantic sound form consolidating the two verbal issuances of The Litany and The Canticle.


The Path of the Engrams

The Epistle of the Void

Mysteria - The Iron Gate

Mysteria - Fragments of a Fractured Landscape

Mysteria - The Book of Ymbrenwæl