
Personal Works

Publications of my own work

Featured Works

Publications that feature some of my work

Scavenged Rituals Volume 1 Number 3

Article and artwork: The Arte of the Dream Path

Scavenged Rituals Volume 1 Number 1

Article and artwork: The Arte of the Veiled Mirror

Ritual Space and the Crooked Path Beyond Volume 2

Photographic contributions: Standard edition cover and special standard edition tip in. Extensive photographic contributions to be included later in the series.

Ritual Space and the Crooked Path Beyond Volume 1

Photographic contributions: Standard edition cover and special standard edition tip in. Extensive photographic contributions to be included later in the series.

Grimoire Silvanus Issue 7

Article and photography: To Approach a Tainted Door


Fiddlers Green Volume 7: Gods of the Afternoon

Article: The Written Word Where the Veil is Thin


Pillars Volume 2, Issue 2: Seeds of Ares

Article and artwork: Infused With The Terror of Thee


Pillars Volume 2, Issue 1: Circling the Compass

Work includes several images throughout the journal


Wyrd Journal Volume 3

Work includes front cover image with additional internal photography.


(Forthcoming) - Witch-Ikon: Witchcraft in Art and Artefact

Photographic work included


Naturae Mysteriis

Daniel Yates

Private publication


Deosil Dance 56 - Beltane Issue

Cover photography


Deosil Dance 55 - Imbolc Issue

Cover Photography